UPDATE: Selfridge ANG Base selected as next location for KC-46A Pegasus Published Jan. 12, 2024 Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) -- The Department of the Air Force selected Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Michigan, as the preferred location to host the next KC-46A Pegasus pending the outcome of a planned environmental impact analysis in 2025. Twelve KC-46As are expected to replace the aging A-10C Thunderbolt IIs and KC-135 Stratotankers at Selfridge ANGB. The A-10s at Selfridge ANGB are expected to begin divestment in 2026, and the KC-135s there are expected to begin divestment in 2027. Selfridge ANGB is slated to receive 12 new KC-46s that are projected to start arriving in 2029 and will bring enhanced capabilities, such as boom and drogue refueling on the same sortie, worldwide navigations and communication, cargo capacity on the entire main deck floor, receiver air refueling, improved force protection, and multi-point air refueling capability. Divesting the aging A-10 fleet and KC-135s and replacing them with the KC-46 ensures Selfridge ANGB has an enduring and modern mission that meets the requirements of the National Defense Strategy. Selfridge ANGB is not precluded from being considered for a fighter aircraft mission or other potential missions in the future.