Title 5 & Title 32 Workers Called Back; Commissary Opens Published Oct. 7, 2013 127th Wing SELFRIDGE AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Mich. -- All 127th Wing civilian employees (Title 5) and military technicians (Title 32) are being instructed to report to work tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013. All active-duty Guard personnel will continue to report for duty. All personnel are also being advised that the potential exists that they could be furloughed again on or about Oct. 17, 2013, as a result of ongoing uncertainty with the federal budget. This notice applies to approximately 650 personnel who work for the 127th Wing at Selfridge Air National Guard Base. Federal civilians and military technicians who work for the Michigan National Guard at other locations around the state are also being recalled to work on similar schedules. This notice does not apply to the 127th Wing's "traditional" members of the Air National Guard, who general serve one weekend per month on duty. Additional guidance for traditional members will be forthcoming as the situation warrants. The Selfridge Commissary will resume regular operations tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 8.