Active Shooter Mass Casualty Training Exercise Published Aug. 10, 2015 By Staff Sgt. Samara Taylor 127th Wg 8/7/15 - SELFRIDGE AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Mich. -- The blaring sound of shots fired and vicious threats filled the quickly vacated halls of the 127th Medical Group (MDG) building in a simulated active shooter mass casualty exercise. The scenario played out as a simulated disgruntled gunman opened fire upon the role player volunteers of the 127th MDG, Coast Guard Air Station Detroit medical clinic, Navy Operations Support Center - Detroit medics, Madonna University nursing students, and volunteers from the YMCA Sterling Heights. Mary Rowe, an "injured" victim, hid under a desk during the exercise. "I was very anxious," said the Madonna University nursing student. "It was interesting to see how everyone worked together." There were 14 casualties reported in the exercise. "Training like this is relevant in particular for our new members," said Capt. Cheryl Bing, 127th MDG nurse, who was the coordinator of the mass casualty training exercise. "The staff learned the process of how to deal with mass confusion and learn the process of preparing the patients to be transported to the local hospital." The training incident ended when Airmen of the 127th Security Forces Squadron (SFS) apprehended the gunman after about five minutes of rampage. "Every training exercise is vital. The more you do it, the quicker and faster you become and it becomes a part of the muscle memory," said Senior Airman Lisa Duval, a SFS Airman who helped subdue the gunman. "It gives an opportunity to work together." The annual mass casualty training concluded with members of the 127th MDG and volunteers evaluating the exercise and reviewing the proper protocols and medical procedures. "I thought it was a good way for the Medical Group to work as a team," said Coast Guard Health Services Technician Petty Officer 3rd Class Mary Greenhouse, an "injured" victim. "It's always good to practice what you know." "The purpose of the training was to identify weaknesses," said Lt. Col. Karen Rossell, 127th Medical Support Flight commander. "The training was meant to identify where we can improve our processes and training." About the 127th Wing Comprised of approximately 1,700 personnel and flying both the A-10 Thunderbolt II and the KC-135 Stratotanker, the Michigan Air National Guard's 127th Wing supports Air Mobility Command and Air Combat Command operations by providing highly-skilled Airmen to missions domestically and overseas. The 127th Wing is the host unit at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, which marks its 98th year of continuous military air operations in 2015.