WEBVTT 00:06.429 --> 00:08.590 Good morning . Good morning . Welcome 00:08.590 --> 00:10.949 to 2025 . Happy New Year . Happy New 00:10.949 --> 00:13.229 Year . Good to see you . Good to see 00:13.229 --> 00:15.340 you . It's good to see everybody back 00:15.340 --> 00:17.569 here . Bright eyed and bushy tail . 00:17.690 --> 00:20.569 This is , this is nice . Uh , 2 weeks 00:20.569 --> 00:22.069 where we got an extra week 00:43.389 --> 00:45.389 this time coming out of the drill , 00:45.389 --> 00:43.599 yeah , so that was nice . We got some 00:43.599 --> 00:45.766 extra time to get this year because we 00:45.766 --> 00:43.759 are breaking right into it . Yeah , 00:43.770 --> 00:45.714 drill this year , this month . Why 00:45.714 --> 00:43.979 would we do ? We are just we're 00:43.979 --> 00:46.130 charging or go home . So this drill . 00:46.650 --> 00:48.761 We have a mission generation exercise 00:48.761 --> 00:51.369 with the ARGs , so they're going to 00:51.369 --> 00:53.490 practice generating aircraft and 00:53.490 --> 00:55.712 generating them quickly and correctly . 00:55.712 --> 00:58.389 Is that part of the ? Uh , I believe it 00:58.389 --> 01:01.849 is part of practicing for the nori and 01:01.849 --> 01:04.540 polishing up those skills prior to our 01:04.540 --> 01:06.330 nuclear operational readiness 01:06.330 --> 01:08.580 inspection here in a couple of months , 01:08.750 --> 01:10.861 in a couple months , just like that . 01:10.861 --> 01:12.806 In addition to that , we have TFAT 01:12.806 --> 01:14.790 training , total , total force 01:14.790 --> 01:18.709 awareness training . We 01:18.709 --> 01:20.931 started this last year and I know a lot 01:20.931 --> 01:23.098 of wings , uh , do it across the total 01:23.098 --> 01:25.889 force . Uh , it's to get . Some of that 01:25.889 --> 01:28.379 annual training done that takes a lot 01:28.379 --> 01:30.610 of time but is crucial for our 01:30.610 --> 01:33.449 readiness . So stuff like CUI training , 01:33.569 --> 01:37.559 OPSec , uh , suicide awareness , sapper , 01:37.760 --> 01:40.093 all those extremely important trainings , 01:40.093 --> 01:42.370 they want us to get those done right at 01:42.370 --> 01:44.426 the beginning of the year , so we're 01:44.426 --> 01:46.481 good all year because a lot of those 01:46.481 --> 01:48.648 trainings , actually , I think all the 01:48.648 --> 01:50.814 ones I just mentioned . You become due 01:50.814 --> 01:52.926 for them 1 January . Yeah , even even 01:52.926 --> 01:55.037 if you took it in November December . 01:55.037 --> 01:57.259 Exactly . So this is a good opportunity 01:57.259 --> 01:59.930 to get green . And maintain that green 01:59.930 --> 02:02.169 status the rest of the year . Will that 02:02.169 --> 02:05.319 be taking place during the aircraft 02:05.319 --> 02:08.240 generation ? It will . So portions of 02:08.240 --> 02:10.289 the unit will be taking part in the 02:10.289 --> 02:12.289 mission generation exercise and the 02:12.289 --> 02:14.240 other portion of the unit will be 02:14.580 --> 02:16.809 taking part in TAT training . So yes , 02:16.889 --> 02:19.056 so we're going to be busy front end to 02:19.056 --> 02:22.050 back end over drill and then we'll also 02:22.050 --> 02:24.106 be getting ready for winter strike . 02:24.600 --> 02:27.320 Northern strike 25-1 . We'll be coming 02:27.320 --> 02:29.487 up here in a couple weeks , so we have 02:29.487 --> 02:31.709 some folks getting ready for that and I 02:31.709 --> 02:30.080 know I love it I love it . So starting 02:30.080 --> 02:31.469 the year and we went out 02:38.080 --> 02:40.800 fairly strong , I would say drill we 02:40.800 --> 02:42.856 had our hands full . So you had your 02:42.856 --> 02:41.970 hands full . I did . I just woke up 02:41.970 --> 02:43.081 from that . I think 02:48.639 --> 02:50.949 we had our outstanding of the year . 02:51.740 --> 02:54.869 Ceremony and winners . So big congrats 02:54.869 --> 02:56.591 to them . Do we have a list of 03:03.289 --> 03:05.511 of who it was ? We do . Are we gonna we 03:05.511 --> 03:03.500 gonna do this ? We should , we could . 03:03.589 --> 03:06.289 Our airmen of the year . Was senior 03:06.289 --> 03:08.610 Airman Chloe Morgan with the 127th 03:08.610 --> 03:11.270 Medical Group . Our NCO of the year was 03:11.270 --> 03:13.214 Tech Sergeant Mike Danger from the 03:13.214 --> 03:14.937 Mission Support Group , Senior 03:14.937 --> 03:16.937 noncommissioned Officer of the Year 03:16.937 --> 03:19.159 Master Sergeant Jeremy Moseley from the 03:19.159 --> 03:21.270 Maintenance Group . First Sergeant of 03:21.270 --> 03:23.381 the Year Master Sergeant Chris Pertea 03:23.381 --> 03:25.437 from the maintenance group as well . 03:25.437 --> 03:28.449 Our CGO of the year was Captain Rutzer 03:28.820 --> 03:31.699 from the ARG , our honor guard member , 03:31.779 --> 03:33.890 and this got me a little of a clump , 03:33.890 --> 03:36.610 as we say , but they honored , uh , 03:36.860 --> 03:39.570 Tech Sergeant Eric Kim posthumously . 03:39.820 --> 03:41.764 He won the Honor Guard of the Year 03:41.764 --> 03:43.860 award , and that was accepted by his 03:43.860 --> 03:46.027 brother . Yeah , it was great . Yeah , 03:46.027 --> 03:48.138 that was really sweet . Um , Civilian 03:48.138 --> 03:50.193 employee of the Year was Philip Ozek 03:50.193 --> 03:52.193 with the Mission support group . He 03:52.193 --> 03:53.971 works for the fire department . 03:53.971 --> 03:55.971 Civilian manager of the year , Cody 03:55.971 --> 03:58.304 McDonald with the Mission Support group , 03:58.304 --> 04:00.500 also with CE and the state employee of 04:00.500 --> 04:03.619 the year , Kevin Visnic , also with the 04:03.619 --> 04:06.789 Mission support group and CE oh 04:06.789 --> 04:10.380 and the Commander's trophy's trophy 04:10.380 --> 04:13.800 went to . Major Craig Los 04:13.990 --> 04:16.299 for directing the air show in Open 04:16.299 --> 04:19.299 House . Yeah , congratulations and 04:19.299 --> 04:21.579 congratulations to the nominees . So it 04:21.579 --> 04:23.912 is not an easy process to get nominated . 04:24.160 --> 04:26.382 To be an outstanding Airman of the year 04:26.382 --> 04:28.216 or one of the commander's trophy 04:28.216 --> 04:30.649 nominees . So , um , it was definitely 04:30.649 --> 04:32.816 a hard lot to choose through . I think 04:32.816 --> 04:34.871 a lot of people did great stuff this 04:34.871 --> 04:36.982 past year . You know , I have an idea 04:36.982 --> 04:36.149 for next year . What are you thinking 04:36.149 --> 04:38.839 or leave it . But this really just came 04:38.839 --> 04:41.339 to me . You know how when somebody is 04:41.339 --> 04:43.619 crowned Miss America , the outgoing 04:43.619 --> 04:45.786 Miss America is there to put the crown 04:45.786 --> 04:47.739 on their head . We should have the 04:47.739 --> 04:50.589 winner of the previous year's category 04:50.589 --> 04:53.760 and the and the trophy . You should . 04:54.730 --> 04:57.500 So yeah , great , great performances by 04:57.500 --> 04:59.722 everybody and we also , our commander , 04:59.722 --> 05:01.389 General Bongado , he gave his 05:01.389 --> 05:03.611 commander's call , so it's our one time 05:03.611 --> 05:05.444 of the year that we ought to get 05:05.444 --> 05:07.667 together as an entire wing , and that's 05:07.667 --> 05:09.444 our commander's chance to speak 05:09.444 --> 05:11.667 directly to the wing , and he had a lot 05:11.667 --> 05:14.000 of great things , important things , ah , 05:14.000 --> 05:16.167 to bestow upon us . I think one of the 05:16.167 --> 05:18.700 big takeaways from his talk was It it's 05:18.700 --> 05:21.529 still a few years till our A-10s are 05:21.529 --> 05:24.209 retired and the mission is going to 05:24.209 --> 05:26.369 continue . So I know a lot of people 05:26.369 --> 05:28.591 get a sense when we start talking about 05:28.591 --> 05:30.869 the new aircraft coming in . It's like , 05:30.869 --> 05:33.036 OK , this is right , buy A10s , buy KC 05:33.036 --> 05:35.202 135s . No , we , we have a mission and 05:35.202 --> 05:37.147 that mission's gonna continue . We 05:37.147 --> 05:39.369 still have deployments set up like it's 05:39.690 --> 05:41.801 gonna deploy at least one more time . 05:42.654 --> 05:45.114 The whole deal and of course protecting 05:45.114 --> 05:47.170 the state of Michigan . So there's a 05:47.170 --> 05:49.114 lot to be excited about about this 05:49.114 --> 05:51.336 airframe changing . And when you really 05:51.336 --> 05:53.558 get into looking at the capabilities of 05:53.558 --> 05:55.392 the KC 46 , it gets me extremely 05:55.392 --> 05:57.614 excited . But yeah , oh yeah . What are 05:57.614 --> 05:59.503 you most excited about ? I'm most 05:59.503 --> 06:01.725 excited about the the air mobility side 06:01.725 --> 06:03.725 of it , the troop transport , our 06:03.725 --> 06:06.445 ability to , you know , serve as a , as 06:06.445 --> 06:08.920 a carrier . You know , and with that , 06:09.109 --> 06:12.160 the medical abilities , uh , turning a , 06:12.350 --> 06:14.350 you know , the back end of the KC46 06:14.350 --> 06:16.589 into an intensive care unit , I think 06:16.589 --> 06:18.709 that's extremely cool . Uh , the boom 06:18.709 --> 06:21.029 pod , the new boom pod in there is all 06:21.029 --> 06:23.109 electronic . That's going to be 06:23.109 --> 06:25.331 extremely interesting to see , though I 06:25.331 --> 06:27.442 do will miss sitting down in the boom 06:27.442 --> 06:29.442 pod and , and looking at the ground 06:29.442 --> 06:31.695 from 40,000 ft . This will be a 06:31.695 --> 06:33.744 tech . 06:36.184 --> 06:38.073 So they're very cool aircraft and 06:38.073 --> 06:40.454 there's a ton of others that's what 06:40.454 --> 06:44.225 excites me . That really 06:44.225 --> 06:45.225 struck me . 06:54.920 --> 06:57.198 So , uh , so yeah , so he got us ready , 06:57.198 --> 06:59.420 you know , he psyched us up for the KSC 06:59.420 --> 07:01.587 46 , but he also reiterated that , you 07:01.587 --> 07:03.864 know , our A-10 mission . I , you know , 07:03.864 --> 07:05.976 continuing now for , for the next few 07:05.976 --> 07:08.350 years , but that the KC 46 is our 07:08.350 --> 07:11.940 future . We are going to be a KC46 base 07:11.940 --> 07:15.489 in a few years , a few in a few short 07:15.489 --> 07:17.859 years so and then later this month . 07:19.149 --> 07:21.038 It's actually gonna be a month in 07:21.038 --> 07:23.149 between the two drills will only be a 07:23.149 --> 07:24.679 couple weeks in between . 07:47.644 --> 07:49.866 strike the drill and I have a mission , 07:49.866 --> 07:47.954 but we'll talk about that . I can't 07:47.954 --> 07:49.898 talk about that right now . That's 07:49.898 --> 07:51.954 right . That's right here . Yes . So 07:51.954 --> 07:50.959 you know I was thinking 08:10.380 --> 08:12.547 when you guys went up to winter strike 08:12.547 --> 08:10.589 a couple of years ago , it got out , 08:10.600 --> 08:12.767 right ? Yeah , they ended up having to 08:12.767 --> 08:10.769 cancel because they were going to try 08:10.769 --> 08:12.936 and go to Battle Creek at least it got 08:12.936 --> 08:12.809 me to thinking about cold weather gear . 08:14.200 --> 08:16.311 It would be so challenging to work on 08:16.311 --> 08:18.589 the flight line as a maintainer . Yeah , 08:18.589 --> 08:22.359 I I always go to the 08:22.359 --> 08:24.690 conditions in the summertime , but the 08:24.690 --> 08:26.857 winter time it could be unbearable out 08:26.857 --> 08:30.769 there . When our new airmen . We're 08:30.769 --> 08:33.047 here for their first winter . They ask , 08:33.047 --> 08:35.213 how do I get that ? And I just assumed 08:35.213 --> 08:36.269 they're going to a 08:45.520 --> 08:47.742 winter base or going to a northern base 08:47.742 --> 08:45.719 that they would be issued that right if 08:45.719 --> 08:47.719 you're going to school . Did we got 08:47.719 --> 08:49.886 cold weather gear , but that was years 08:49.886 --> 08:52.108 ago and active duty . This is not , you 08:52.108 --> 08:54.330 know , it's different in the guard . So 08:54.330 --> 08:56.497 how do we , how do we get cold weather 08:56.497 --> 08:58.830 gear ? That's just the general question . 08:58.830 --> 09:00.997 How do we get ? Yeah , I have that too 09:00.997 --> 09:03.275 because I need . I need like a new hat . 09:03.780 --> 09:05.780 How do I do that ? I know we have a 09:05.780 --> 09:09.500 supply , and I know that our 12th 09:09.500 --> 09:11.389 mission support group , Logistics 09:11.389 --> 09:13.809 Readiness Squadron , supply warehouse 09:14.659 --> 09:17.140 is on top of that . Uh , so you fill 09:17.140 --> 09:21.049 out a 105 . Order form , but it's 09:21.049 --> 09:23.549 been so long since I've done it . You 09:23.549 --> 09:24.549 know what ? 09:27.869 --> 09:29.925 We should go over there and check it 09:29.925 --> 09:33.830 out . Yeah , we should go into the 09:33.830 --> 09:36.989 field . And check out LRS and the 09:36.989 --> 09:39.190 uniform . I like it . I like it and 09:39.190 --> 09:41.190 they can explain it . We'll hear it 09:41.190 --> 09:43.640 from the horses . Awesome . I will , I 09:43.640 --> 09:46.750 will give Sergeant Van Hol a call . And 09:46.750 --> 09:48.972 if he can take us , we're going to head 09:48.972 --> 09:50.806 over there right now . And if he 09:50.806 --> 09:53.070 doesn't , we'll show up . OK . Sounds 09:53.070 --> 09:55.809 good . All right . It's cold out here . 09:55.849 --> 09:58.739 It's only 25 degrees . Only 25 . 10:01.570 --> 10:03.890 blustery January day . So we're going 10:03.890 --> 10:06.849 into 105 now , where we've gone for 10:06.849 --> 10:10.530 years to get our uniform . So , uh , we 10:10.530 --> 10:12.586 gotta ring the bell . That's right , 10:12.586 --> 10:14.809 ring the bell . I needed to . 10:17.190 --> 10:20.530 Oh We are not wearing our parkas . 10:21.340 --> 10:23.500 I'm not wearing my gloves . It would 10:23.500 --> 10:25.444 have been a great idea if we did . 10:25.460 --> 10:28.369 Hello , sir . So we're at the IEU 10:28.700 --> 10:32.630 office . Individual equipment 10:32.630 --> 10:36.210 unit . It looks different from the last 10:36.210 --> 10:38.210 time . The last time I was here was 10:38.210 --> 10:40.377 when we were issued our OCPs . 4 years 10:40.377 --> 10:43.960 ago , 3 years ago . Wow . Wow . So . 10:45.229 --> 10:48.619 A look at the warehouse . It's smaller 10:48.619 --> 10:50.760 than I thought it was . I think it's 10:50.760 --> 10:53.320 the lighting is a little different . So 10:53.320 --> 10:56.739 can you introduce yourselves ? Uh , hi , 10:56.830 --> 10:59.669 I'm Senior Aaron Moonway . I'm with the 10:59.669 --> 11:03.520 127 LRS . I am Sello 11:03.520 --> 11:07.450 also with the 127 . Right , so we're 11:07.450 --> 11:09.450 here because we are trying to order 11:09.450 --> 11:11.617 some new cold weather gear , and we're 11:11.617 --> 11:13.728 hoping that you could walk us through 11:13.728 --> 11:15.728 the process . What do we have to do 11:15.728 --> 11:17.950 first ? A code with the gear is ordered 11:17.950 --> 11:20.172 through your unit , and so they have to 11:20.172 --> 11:22.283 verify that there is enough resources 11:22.283 --> 11:24.283 on your account for us to order the 11:24.283 --> 11:26.394 uniform . You have to fill out a form 11:26.394 --> 11:28.599 44 and then just make sure it gets 11:28.599 --> 11:30.766 filled out properly and again you have 11:30.766 --> 11:33.119 to have the resources to order it . OK , 11:33.280 --> 11:35.502 so we turned that into you then ? Yes , 11:35.520 --> 11:37.631 OK . Is there any commander signature 11:37.631 --> 11:40.840 that needs to be on it ? Yes , so , um . 11:41.179 --> 11:43.346 It has to be signed off by either your 11:43.346 --> 11:46.750 commander or your resource adviser , um , 11:46.760 --> 11:48.760 so that they're the ones who verify 11:48.760 --> 11:51.093 that there's resources on their account . 11:51.093 --> 11:53.280 So if they sign off on it , then we're 11:53.280 --> 11:56.119 sure that that particular order is 11:56.530 --> 11:58.590 authorized and we can place in the 11:58.590 --> 12:00.812 order . What are some of the items that 12:00.812 --> 12:04.229 you can get when filling out a 44 ? So 12:04.229 --> 12:06.285 anything that is specialized to your 12:06.285 --> 12:09.640 unit is often purchased or acquired . 12:09.969 --> 12:13.450 Uh , through unit funding , so steel 12:13.450 --> 12:16.489 toe boots , um , any specialized 12:16.489 --> 12:20.320 goggles , uh , for . The flyers , 12:20.450 --> 12:23.880 the suits , um , and all that stuff . 12:24.039 --> 12:26.400 So that includes , uh , cold weather 12:26.400 --> 12:28.570 gear . Got you . So what are some of 12:28.570 --> 12:30.570 the cold weather gear items that we 12:30.570 --> 12:34.450 could request on the 44 ? Uh , the 12:34.450 --> 12:36.770 fleece jackets , uh , there's the 12:36.770 --> 12:40.520 Goretexes . And the waffle shirts and 12:40.520 --> 12:43.909 pants and . There's waffle 12:43.909 --> 12:47.469 pants . I didn't know that . So I don't 12:47.469 --> 12:49.302 have all of my cold weather gear 12:49.302 --> 12:51.830 apparently waffle pants . I want the 12:51.830 --> 12:55.109 waffle pants . Oh , awesome . OK , so 12:55.109 --> 12:57.220 once the form is filled out , we turn 12:57.220 --> 13:01.109 it into . I once the forms filled 13:01.109 --> 13:03.165 out and we turn it into IEU , what's 13:03.165 --> 13:05.220 the next step ? What can we expect ? 13:05.220 --> 13:07.220 And when typically I think a lot of 13:07.220 --> 13:09.442 people are like , well , when should we 13:09.442 --> 13:08.789 turn it in ? When should we get it , 13:08.909 --> 13:11.131 when's the right time to order all that 13:11.131 --> 13:13.298 stuff ? 3 to 5 business days , right ? 13:13.298 --> 13:16.150 It's pretty much like Amazon . In a 13:16.150 --> 13:18.428 perfect world , that would be the case . 13:18.428 --> 13:20.909 But for right now because of the issues 13:20.909 --> 13:24.669 we've had prior to , uh , with COVID . 13:25.359 --> 13:27.820 And the supply chain kind of got a 13:27.820 --> 13:30.739 little disrupted , so we've had a lot 13:30.739 --> 13:33.340 of back orders , so they've been trying 13:33.340 --> 13:35.859 to fill those orders first before they 13:35.859 --> 13:38.719 take any new orders , but right now the , 13:38.900 --> 13:41.729 the wait time is still pretty long 13:41.729 --> 13:43.673 sometimes depending on what you're 13:43.673 --> 13:46.049 ordering . Uh , it can range from at 13:46.049 --> 13:49.250 least 2 weeks to even a 13:49.250 --> 13:53.010 year if , if the item is like severely 13:53.010 --> 13:55.849 backordered . So it just depends on 13:55.849 --> 13:58.900 what the item is . So it's probably , 13:59.070 --> 14:00.903 it's probably in a member's best 14:00.903 --> 14:03.126 interest then to order this well before 14:03.126 --> 14:06.309 the season . Yes it is . Um , if you 14:06.309 --> 14:08.587 come in , especially cold weather gear , 14:08.587 --> 14:10.753 so if you come in a month , uh , let's 14:10.753 --> 14:13.469 say November , December , uh , expect 14:13.469 --> 14:15.691 that you probably get your cold weather 14:15.691 --> 14:17.802 gear sometime in the summer sometimes 14:17.802 --> 14:19.802 that can happen , so you don't want 14:19.802 --> 14:22.510 that . So , uh , it would be prudent to 14:22.510 --> 14:25.270 come in a little early and order your 14:25.270 --> 14:27.326 cold weather gear or at least make a 14:27.326 --> 14:29.381 request for your cold weather gear a 14:29.381 --> 14:31.381 little earlier on , at least in the 14:31.381 --> 14:33.381 warmer months , so that by the time 14:33.381 --> 14:35.669 winter rolls along . You're all set and 14:35.669 --> 14:38.010 ready to go , right ? How do we know 14:38.010 --> 14:40.232 that our orders ready too , yeah . Oh , 14:40.340 --> 14:43.570 so we do put out an email . Uh , we do 14:43.570 --> 14:45.626 send out an email to inform you that 14:45.626 --> 14:48.130 your order has come in , and once we do 14:48.130 --> 14:51.530 that , uh , I know we have some that 14:51.530 --> 14:53.752 only come in during drill weekends , so 14:53.752 --> 14:55.919 if that's the sign you get to see your 14:55.919 --> 14:58.141 email , you can pop right in . Building 14:58.141 --> 15:00.950 105 and pick up your orders and if 15:00.950 --> 15:03.530 you're a full-timer , uh , most of the 15:03.530 --> 15:05.929 times people do come in within 2 to 3 15:05.929 --> 15:08.419 business days and collect their items . 15:11.200 --> 15:14.070 That seems very easy actually . I don't 15:14.070 --> 15:16.292 know how I've gone without waffle pants 15:16.292 --> 15:18.348 for so long . It's that easy . I had 15:18.348 --> 15:20.570 one more question . I saw an email come 15:20.570 --> 15:22.514 from the commander about PT gear . 15:22.750 --> 15:25.340 What's that all about ? Uh , so , 15:25.549 --> 15:27.950 basically , we have not been able to 15:27.950 --> 15:30.309 order any PT gear , uh , off our 15:30.309 --> 15:33.309 ordering system , um , due to some 15:33.309 --> 15:35.420 changes that have been made to the PT 15:35.420 --> 15:38.219 uniform , so Uh , for now they've 15:38.219 --> 15:40.275 discontinued the old uniform , so we 15:40.275 --> 15:43.469 cannot source it . So I believe that's 15:43.469 --> 15:45.510 why the commander had to put out an 15:45.510 --> 15:47.590 email , uh , stating the fact that 15:47.590 --> 15:50.549 people can wear regular clothes because 15:50.549 --> 15:53.309 it's become a little hard to sell SPT 15:53.309 --> 15:56.380 gear . So once whatever . Uh , supplies 15:56.380 --> 15:59.530 they had or in stock , um , 15:59.940 --> 16:02.380 depleted , they're not gonna replace 16:02.380 --> 16:04.269 the old uniform , so they have to 16:04.269 --> 16:07.539 switch to the new uniform , and that 16:07.539 --> 16:09.780 new uniform isn't ready for us yet , is 16:09.780 --> 16:12.669 that right ? Um , it is and it's not 16:13.260 --> 16:15.219 because right now I think they're 16:15.219 --> 16:17.570 servicing the active duty people first , 16:18.150 --> 16:21.030 uh , with a new uniform , but hopefully , 16:21.179 --> 16:24.830 uh , they'll get to us . Soon so that 16:24.830 --> 16:28.349 we can also uh get the new PT uniforms 16:28.349 --> 16:31.349 and then who would we email to request 16:31.349 --> 16:33.750 forms and such ? Do you have an inbox 16:33.750 --> 16:37.750 for we do not have 16:37.750 --> 16:41.429 an inbox , but we do have POCs that 16:41.429 --> 16:43.700 would be Sergeant Pelo over here , 16:43.840 --> 16:46.590 Master Sergeant Pelo . Uh , there's , 16:46.630 --> 16:49.109 uh , Staff Sergeant , uh , Cookson . 16:49.820 --> 16:53.580 And does a civilian , Mr . Lash , 16:54.750 --> 16:58.510 yes , so , yes , so those would be the 16:58.510 --> 17:02.469 people you would either email or give 17:02.469 --> 17:05.170 the form to you . Excellent . Awesome . 17:05.239 --> 17:07.295 Well , thank you for educating us on 17:07.295 --> 17:09.295 how to get cold weather gear . No , 17:09.295 --> 17:12.259 you're . All right , now that we know , 17:12.548 --> 17:15.828 go for it , have a great drill and stay 17:15.828 --> 17:18.269 warm . Have a great drill . Bye bye .