WEBVTT 00:02.240 --> 00:04.462 Growing up , I always knew that my , my 00:04.462 --> 00:06.573 grandpa served with the United States 00:06.573 --> 00:08.796 Army and I was always inspired by their 00:08.796 --> 00:11.489 service . Fast forward to 911 . I was a 00:11.500 --> 00:14.159 freshman in high school and I watched 00:14.170 --> 00:16.639 many of our upperclassmen graduate and 00:16.649 --> 00:19.520 go off to fight our country's war . I 00:19.530 --> 00:21.641 knew that I would someday join them . 00:21.641 --> 00:23.919 And just 10 short months after joining , 00:23.959 --> 00:26.120 I was deployed to Iraq with the 127 00:26.129 --> 00:27.489 Security Forces squadron .