WEBVTT 00:04.409 --> 00:06.409 This weekend , pilots of the 1 0/7 00:06.420 --> 00:08.476 fighter squadron of the Michigan Air 00:08.476 --> 00:10.642 National Guard took part in survival , 00:10.642 --> 00:13.060 evasion , escape and resistance or sear 00:13.069 --> 00:16.120 training . Se your training is tailored 00:16.129 --> 00:17.851 towards high risk of isolation 00:17.851 --> 00:20.579 personnel to allow them to be more 00:20.590 --> 00:23.290 survivable across the full spectrum of 00:23.299 --> 00:25.700 peace time contingency and conflict 00:25.709 --> 00:28.469 operations . With the objective of 00:28.479 --> 00:31.139 anyone who goes out , gets to return 00:31.149 --> 00:33.371 home with honor . Our job is to prepare 00:33.371 --> 00:35.482 them beforehand to help with that pre 00:35.482 --> 00:37.450 preparation as well as uh advise , 00:37.459 --> 00:39.626 assist and support recovery operations 00:39.626 --> 00:41.737 in theater developed by the Air Force 00:41.737 --> 00:43.848 after world war two . Se your trading 00:43.848 --> 00:45.959 teaches the techniques for pilots and 00:45.959 --> 00:48.380 air crew to survive on land , sea and 00:48.389 --> 00:50.611 in some of the harshest environments on 00:50.611 --> 00:52.500 earth . And we covered aspects of 00:52.500 --> 00:54.869 conduct after capture as well as combat 00:54.880 --> 00:57.654 survival techniques and to here in the 00:57.665 --> 00:59.776 pool water survival . Uh The training 00:59.776 --> 01:01.554 we accomplished this weekend is 01:01.554 --> 01:03.165 periodic refresher events in 01:03.165 --> 01:05.443 preparation for real world deployments . 01:05.443 --> 01:07.443 Uh We do this refresher training so 01:07.443 --> 01:09.554 that they're as capable and confident 01:09.554 --> 01:11.721 in their equipment and skills . Should 01:11.721 --> 01:13.943 they find themselves having to eject or 01:13.943 --> 01:15.776 crash land ? Uh We improve their 01:15.776 --> 01:17.498 survivability as well as their 01:17.498 --> 01:19.332 awareness in supporting recovery 01:19.332 --> 01:21.554 operations from the other side or the 1 01:21.554 --> 01:23.721 27th Public Affairs Office . I am tech 01:23.721 --> 01:23.714 Sergeant Drew Schuman .