WEBVTT 00:04.110 --> 00:06.332 Buenas Diaz . Good morning . Welcome to 00:06.332 --> 00:08.489 Super Drill . Welcome to , welcome to 00:08.500 --> 00:12.079 Super Drill . Um Thank you for 00:12.090 --> 00:14.257 welcoming me . Yeah , you're welcome . 00:14.257 --> 00:16.257 During these couple of days we have 00:16.257 --> 00:18.450 title fives . We have our Ds GS , of 00:18.459 --> 00:22.420 course , a GRS contractors , state 00:22.430 --> 00:25.010 employees . We're all here . We're all 00:25.020 --> 00:27.780 here . One big happy family and it's 00:27.790 --> 00:29.846 good . So this will be the last time 00:29.846 --> 00:31.901 we're here in a drill capacity until 00:31.901 --> 00:34.229 December . Can you believe it ? What is 00:34.240 --> 00:37.139 that like 67 weeks ? It's a bit . We'll 00:37.150 --> 00:39.483 be deep into Christmas shopping by then . 00:39.483 --> 00:41.540 Oh , exciting . Yeah , Thanksgiving 00:41.549 --> 00:44.259 Veterans Day , Halloween , Latvian 00:45.009 --> 00:47.430 Independence Day . It will all take 00:47.439 --> 00:49.869 place before we're at drill again . So , 00:50.119 --> 00:52.341 uh I think we're all looking forward to 00:52.341 --> 00:54.619 making the most out of it this weekend . 00:54.619 --> 00:56.786 Right ? Yeah , absolutely . This happy 00:56.786 --> 00:58.952 new fiscal year you have Fy 24 did not 00:58.952 --> 01:01.180 seem like a real year . This is like , 01:01.189 --> 01:04.430 seems like science fiction , but it is 01:04.440 --> 01:07.629 fy 24 as of now . So , one of the 01:07.639 --> 01:10.339 differences in Fy 24 is going to be the 01:10.349 --> 01:13.849 body composition measurement is coming 01:13.860 --> 01:16.175 back . It's officially live , it's live 01:16.184 --> 01:18.635 now but not part of the fitness 01:18.644 --> 01:20.866 assessment . It's no longer connected . 01:20.866 --> 01:24.055 It used to be a good points grab , but 01:24.065 --> 01:26.745 now it is going to take place on your 01:26.754 --> 01:28.865 birth month . Yeah , so I already got 01:28.865 --> 01:31.198 my email . Your birthday is in December . 01:31.425 --> 01:33.425 Yeah . So every month in your birth 01:33.434 --> 01:35.055 month you will do your waist 01:35.065 --> 01:37.287 measurement . So you just need to reach 01:37.287 --> 01:39.509 out to your fitness manager to get more 01:39.509 --> 01:41.787 details on scheduling that . Excellent . 01:41.787 --> 01:44.339 So what else happened this month ? Um 01:44.349 --> 01:48.089 The A RG deploys came home everybody 01:48.099 --> 01:50.239 safe and sound . We have some great 01:50.250 --> 01:53.480 photos of those folks coming in getting 01:53.489 --> 01:55.322 um greeted by their family , the 01:55.322 --> 01:57.433 leadership . So you want to see those 01:57.519 --> 01:59.379 images go to David's or the Wing 01:59.389 --> 02:01.278 website . Yeah , they spent three 02:01.278 --> 02:04.190 months in US Central Command . So I'm 02:04.199 --> 02:06.310 very happy to have them back . Also , 02:06.310 --> 02:08.179 this month , a call went out for 02:08.190 --> 02:10.449 national anthem singers . We have 02:10.460 --> 02:13.350 events that pop up during the year and 02:13.360 --> 02:15.582 a lot of times that requires someone in 02:15.582 --> 02:17.693 uniform to sing the national anthem . 02:17.693 --> 02:19.693 Those events can range from a , you 02:19.693 --> 02:21.638 know , a couple dozen people for a 02:21.638 --> 02:23.860 change of command to 50,000 people at a 02:23.860 --> 02:26.082 Lions game . So you never really know . 02:26.082 --> 02:28.550 Uh So we want to find someone that's 02:28.559 --> 02:31.770 good uh that has a passion for it and 02:31.779 --> 02:34.250 is willing to step in and fill that 02:34.259 --> 02:37.149 duty . So we're gonna have auditions up 02:37.160 --> 02:39.271 here in public affairs this weekend . 02:39.429 --> 02:41.651 So if that's something you're into , we 02:41.651 --> 02:43.596 want to try that out get a hold of 02:43.596 --> 02:46.119 Second Lieutenant Wahlstrom here in P A . 02:46.130 --> 02:48.059 She sent out an all users message 02:48.190 --> 02:50.509 earlier in the month about that . So uh 02:50.529 --> 02:51.750 contact her at 02:51.759 --> 02:56.619 23955767 . 02:56.679 --> 02:58.846 Thank you . Uh What else happened this 02:58.846 --> 03:01.220 month ? The BC C had their monthly 03:01.229 --> 03:04.789 meeting at the museum , the BC C . Yeah . 03:04.800 --> 03:06.744 What is that ? The Selfridge based 03:06.744 --> 03:10.600 community council ? Um They are our 03:10.610 --> 03:12.479 community stakeholder not to be 03:12.490 --> 03:14.434 confused with the Family Readiness 03:14.434 --> 03:16.546 Group , right ? And we will talk more 03:16.546 --> 03:18.768 about that in a little bit with Thereon 03:18.768 --> 03:21.300 Wingate . Um But our base community 03:21.309 --> 03:23.729 Council Air Force Wide is one of the 03:23.740 --> 03:26.509 largest and oldest organizations . They 03:26.520 --> 03:28.687 started in the forties when we were in 03:28.687 --> 03:30.798 active duty Air Base , just Selfridge 03:30.798 --> 03:32.964 personnel meeting with local community 03:32.964 --> 03:35.131 leaders um to talk about opportunities 03:35.131 --> 03:37.187 for community involvement because we 03:37.187 --> 03:39.750 had people living on base then . Um And 03:39.759 --> 03:43.119 now it's evolved into an organization 03:43.130 --> 03:46.199 that's 240 plus members . They meet the 03:46.210 --> 03:48.520 third Thursday of every month . They're 03:48.529 --> 03:51.889 comprised of uh civic leaders , but 03:51.899 --> 03:55.419 also business owners and personnel from 03:55.429 --> 03:58.539 Macomb County . Um They help uh base 03:58.550 --> 04:01.839 membership . They sponsor MWR programs . 04:01.850 --> 04:04.229 They have a scholarship fund . Their 04:04.240 --> 04:06.490 most significant contribution is they 04:06.500 --> 04:10.059 sponsor our air show . They're also out 04:10.070 --> 04:12.070 uh when members deploy and return , 04:12.070 --> 04:14.330 you'll see some leadership from the BC 04:14.339 --> 04:16.570 C out there . So they're very plugged 04:16.579 --> 04:18.970 into the happenings here at the 1 27th . 04:19.269 --> 04:21.220 So the meetings for the BC C are 04:21.230 --> 04:23.410 locally every third Tuesday of the 04:23.420 --> 04:26.350 month and every member is welcome . If 04:26.359 --> 04:28.303 you're interested in an invitation 04:28.480 --> 04:30.700 contact Bruce Hoffman . He's our chief 04:30.709 --> 04:32.876 of community engagement and he can get 04:32.876 --> 04:35.042 you the information . I think Bruce is 04:35.042 --> 04:36.820 going to be hosting his tour on 04:36.820 --> 04:39.920 Saturday of drill . And so if you see 04:39.929 --> 04:42.040 some civilians walking around getting 04:42.040 --> 04:44.262 off a bus , uh , going into the DAC for 04:44.262 --> 04:46.485 lunch , that's what they're doing . And 04:46.485 --> 04:48.596 we're going to be seeing more of that 04:48.596 --> 04:47.790 from what I understand , we're going to 04:47.799 --> 04:50.010 be holding more base tours on drill 04:50.029 --> 04:52.200 weekends . Ok . Yeah , there's , uh , 04:52.209 --> 04:54.153 there's quite a bit happening this 04:54.153 --> 04:56.153 weekend actually , right ? A lot as 04:56.153 --> 04:58.265 always as always , but it's four days 04:58.265 --> 05:00.320 now , right ? So it's four days of a 05:00.320 --> 05:02.100 lot , right ? This , uh , as we 05:02.109 --> 05:04.053 mentioned , this is the last drill 05:04.053 --> 05:07.040 before December and one of our big 05:07.049 --> 05:09.160 things in December is our outstanding 05:09.160 --> 05:11.839 airmen of the year ceremony . So , uh 05:11.850 --> 05:15.570 part of that is if you're a nominee for 05:15.579 --> 05:17.690 your category . So there are multiple 05:17.690 --> 05:21.170 categories , airmen , NCO , Senior NCO 05:21.179 --> 05:24.410 for Sergeant company , great officer 05:25.119 --> 05:28.809 recruiter , honor guard title , five 05:29.290 --> 05:31.470 state employee , a lot of categories . 05:31.579 --> 05:34.109 Each group nominates a member for those 05:34.119 --> 05:37.170 categories . And each of those nominees 05:37.179 --> 05:40.769 needs a bio photo for your package . So 05:40.779 --> 05:42.723 a lot of times this takes place in 05:42.723 --> 05:44.779 November , but we're not going to be 05:44.779 --> 05:46.946 here in November . So if you know that 05:46.946 --> 05:49.057 you've been , if you've been notified 05:49.057 --> 05:51.279 that you are a nominee for your group . 05:51.279 --> 05:53.390 You know , please reach out to public 05:53.390 --> 05:55.612 affairs to get your bio photo scheduled 05:55.612 --> 05:57.668 and that needs to be an updated biop 05:57.668 --> 05:59.723 photo . So if you got it taken , you 05:59.723 --> 06:01.835 know , two years ago and you have new 06:01.835 --> 06:04.001 awards index , you wanna get in to get 06:04.001 --> 06:06.223 that taken . So uh please schedule that 06:06.223 --> 06:08.279 with us as soon as possible . If you 06:08.279 --> 06:07.450 don't get it taken , this drill , 06:07.459 --> 06:09.570 you'll probably have to come out on a 06:09.570 --> 06:11.792 day during the week to get that taken . 06:11.792 --> 06:13.903 So just be cognizant of that . If you 06:13.903 --> 06:15.903 want to make a studio appointment , 06:15.903 --> 06:19.239 just call us at 23955767 . And if you 06:19.250 --> 06:21.609 are coming in for a biop photo , please 06:21.619 --> 06:23.841 make sure that you have a supervisor or 06:23.841 --> 06:25.841 wingman , take a look at your blues 06:25.841 --> 06:27.841 before you head over because we can 06:27.841 --> 06:29.952 help a little bit . But we are really 06:29.952 --> 06:32.175 just focused on getting you the photo . 06:32.175 --> 06:34.230 So have somebody else help you out . 06:34.230 --> 06:36.359 Speaking of photo ops on Friday , 06:36.410 --> 06:38.743 there's going to be a change of command , 06:38.743 --> 06:40.854 another change of command here at the 06:40.854 --> 06:43.077 base . So a lot of leadership changes , 06:43.077 --> 06:45.243 Lieutenant Colonel Vickers is going to 06:45.243 --> 06:47.410 take command of the 1 27th operational 06:47.410 --> 06:49.521 Support squadron . So he'll be taking 06:49.521 --> 06:51.688 command from Lieutenant Colonel Hunt . 06:51.688 --> 06:53.577 So congratulations to them both . 06:53.577 --> 06:55.466 Congratulations , gentlemen . And 06:55.466 --> 06:57.521 another cause for celebration Friday 06:57.521 --> 07:01.079 the 13th is actually the 07:01.089 --> 07:04.839 Navy's 248th birthday . So Happy 07:04.850 --> 07:07.390 birthday to our friends and family over 07:07.399 --> 07:09.459 at the Navy Reserve Center Detroit . 07:09.470 --> 07:11.526 And if you're unfamiliar with that , 07:11.526 --> 07:13.637 they are over on the west side of the 07:13.637 --> 07:16.429 base and that is Friday . So Saturday 07:16.440 --> 07:18.662 and Sunday also on the west side of the 07:18.662 --> 07:20.829 base . I hear that we're going to have 07:20.829 --> 07:22.662 some airmen out in their natural 07:22.662 --> 07:24.829 habitat . That's right . There's going 07:24.829 --> 07:27.051 to be survival evasion , resistance and 07:27.051 --> 07:29.290 escape training , taking place and , 07:29.299 --> 07:31.632 yeah , it's , it's pretty cool training . 07:31.632 --> 07:33.577 So I'll be embedded with them this 07:33.577 --> 07:35.688 weekend . I'm excited for that . It's 07:35.688 --> 07:37.855 gonna be cool . So we'll get a , we'll 07:37.855 --> 07:39.966 have some pictures and videos to show 07:39.966 --> 07:42.077 you after that . Well , make sure you 07:42.077 --> 07:44.077 check for T I and after you're done 07:44.077 --> 07:46.243 running in the tall grass , you can go 07:46.243 --> 07:48.355 get a burger because I will do that . 07:48.355 --> 07:50.466 Chiefs Council is sponsoring a burger 07:50.466 --> 07:52.632 burn at the Enlisted Heritage House on 07:52.632 --> 07:56.570 Saturday at 1600 . So after our long 07:56.579 --> 07:59.760 break from drill , uh with the November 07:59.769 --> 08:01.880 RD , we're gonna come right back into 08:01.880 --> 08:03.991 December . A lot of stuff takes place 08:03.991 --> 08:05.991 in December holiday party and stuff 08:05.991 --> 08:08.299 like that . Uh But our big thing , at 08:08.309 --> 08:11.890 least in the recent past has been our 08:11.899 --> 08:13.955 annual event uh with our commander's 08:13.955 --> 08:16.177 call and Outstanding Airmen of the year 08:16.177 --> 08:18.343 ceremony , also known as Tech Sergeant 08:18.343 --> 08:20.455 Schumann's annual production , annual 08:20.455 --> 08:22.399 production . So last year we did a 08:22.399 --> 08:24.399 little different where we made it a 08:24.399 --> 08:28.399 little booger and put more production 08:28.410 --> 08:32.099 value into it uh which is very apropos 08:32.369 --> 08:34.710 to give credit where the credit is due 08:34.719 --> 08:36.886 for our outstanding performers for the 08:36.886 --> 08:39.070 year . So that will be take place over 08:39.080 --> 08:41.302 December drill . So be ready for that . 08:41.315 --> 08:43.325 Yeah , and I liked your nomination 08:43.335 --> 08:45.695 video last year . It reminded me of the 08:45.705 --> 08:48.924 Oscars edited a class to the experience . 08:49.315 --> 08:51.974 I thought so . So we'll do that again . 08:52.015 --> 08:54.505 Some other very classy events that will 08:54.515 --> 08:56.335 be coming up this fiscal year . 08:56.344 --> 08:58.511 Actually , one writer on the corner in 08:58.511 --> 09:01.369 November , um the Michigan military and 09:01.380 --> 09:03.789 veterans gala is going to be taking 09:03.799 --> 09:07.390 place at in Nova on Saturday , November 09:07.400 --> 09:09.400 4th and that is sponsored by the 09:09.409 --> 09:11.687 National Guard Association of Michigan . 09:11.687 --> 09:13.798 And that's for all services , right ? 09:13.798 --> 09:16.020 And all services gala . Excellent . And 09:16.020 --> 09:18.539 then later on in the year , we'll have 09:18.549 --> 09:22.340 our Wing ball , but our big 09:22.349 --> 09:24.571 project going on here in public affairs 09:24.571 --> 09:26.738 is our , what we're dubbing now is our 09:26.738 --> 09:28.849 legacy project . So we're looking for 09:28.849 --> 09:31.260 help from the entire wing for this . So , 09:31.429 --> 09:33.739 uh by legacy , what we're referring to 09:33.750 --> 09:36.940 with this is if you have a son or 09:36.950 --> 09:40.630 daughter or maybe your mom served here 09:40.640 --> 09:42.807 at the wing or your mom , mom or pop , 09:42.807 --> 09:45.525 pop , my mom , that's not a mission . I 09:45.534 --> 09:48.344 never , I never heard and pops , ok . 09:48.354 --> 09:51.025 Ok . They served out here at Selfridge , 09:51.325 --> 09:53.436 not just at the 1 27th Wing , if they 09:53.436 --> 09:55.547 were out here , uh active duty at one 09:55.547 --> 09:58.025 point , maybe back in the day or worked 09:58.034 --> 10:00.145 on the army or navy side or marines , 10:00.145 --> 10:02.145 send in photos and stories of that 10:02.155 --> 10:04.211 because we're , we want to tell that 10:04.211 --> 10:06.322 story this year . So that will be the 10:06.322 --> 10:09.260 theme of next year's wing ball and uh 10:09.270 --> 10:11.539 that is already in production . So if 10:11.549 --> 10:13.660 you have photos and stories you would 10:13.660 --> 10:15.679 like to share , send them to senior 10:15.690 --> 10:17.840 master Sergeant Heaton here in P A . 10:18.460 --> 10:21.059 Finally , one of the commanders most 10:21.070 --> 10:23.109 important initiatives that will be 10:23.119 --> 10:26.510 rolling out this weekend is the D A 10:26.590 --> 10:28.812 survey . It's now going to be an annual 10:28.812 --> 10:30.812 survey . It's really important that 10:30.812 --> 10:33.034 everybody participates in the survey so 10:33.034 --> 10:35.201 that leadership can get a gauge on how 10:35.201 --> 10:37.312 everybody feels where airman's morale 10:37.312 --> 10:39.159 is at and what they really can 10:39.169 --> 10:42.140 implement at the wing to help improve 10:42.150 --> 10:44.440 the organization . So please please , 10:44.450 --> 10:46.672 when you get that email or when you see 10:46.672 --> 10:48.783 this QR code , go ahead and just take 10:48.783 --> 10:51.289 the time to honestly answer the survey 10:51.299 --> 10:54.400 for sure . So as I mentioned earlier , 10:54.409 --> 10:57.760 uh A one CW gate is going to interview 10:57.770 --> 11:00.349 Mrs Chandra Graves from the family 11:00.359 --> 11:02.248 readiness group to talk about the 11:02.248 --> 11:04.599 events that they are supporting over 11:04.609 --> 11:06.776 the next couple of months . Uh because 11:06.776 --> 11:08.942 there's a lot happening in between now 11:08.942 --> 11:11.053 and then . So time of year is big for 11:11.053 --> 11:13.387 them , right ? So they have uh you know , 11:13.387 --> 11:15.331 the turkey giveaway , the adoptive 11:15.331 --> 11:17.750 family , just so much stuff and uh yeah , 11:17.760 --> 11:20.789 stay tuned and we'll learn some about 11:20.799 --> 11:23.021 that . All right , have a great drill . 11:23.021 --> 11:24.049 Have a great drill .